Currently all Reception admissions are initially administered by the admissions department at Surrey County Council and in year admissions are processed by school. Please contact Miss Eglesfield the school admissions officer for further details.
Surrey County Council School Admissions.
Admission arrangements and outcomes - Information on Primary and Secondary schools in Surrey.
All applications to join Ashford Church of England Primary School, other than September Reception intake, are made through the school. Parents may choose any school for their children, however schools and local authorities operate admissions policies which rank applications. Further details on admissions to our school can be found in our Admissions Policy below.
Applications for a Reception 2025 place opened on 4 November 2024. The closing date for on-time applications was 15 January 2025. Primary school allocations will be issued to parents by Surrey County Council on 16 April 2025.
Our 2025-26 Admissions Policy can be found below.
Admissions are initially administered by the admissions department at Surrey County Council, apply below.
Surrey County Council - Apply for a place at a primary, infant or junior school
Parents wishing to move their children to our school from other schools may either contact the school directly or contact Surrey County Council. This is known as in year admission. You may apply to any school. Parents are welcome to contact the school directly to establish if there are any places in a particular year group or to be placed on the waiting list.
Our 2024-25 Admissions Policy can be found below.
Our In Year Application Form can be found below.
School admission appeals timetable
Surrey School Appeals Service.
Appeals for September 2025 resulting from year of entry or transfer applications:
Please note that any admission appeals for a Reception Class place in September 2025 should be lodged with Surrey Admissions by 20 May 2025. Surrey have confirmed a target date for all primary school appeals being heard by 22 July 2025 (40 School days).
NB: Appeals will not start being heard until after the relevant closing date has passed.
Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.
Appeals are not heard in school holidays, which will vary depending on the school.
Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing. Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case normally a week in advance of the hearing.
Appellants must ensure that any further evidence not included with their initial appeal is received by the stated deadline, which will be clearly highlighted in the appeal hearing notification letter. Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing.
In year or immediate entry appeals
Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.
Applications for a Reception 2026 place will open in the Autumn Term.
Our 2026-27 Admissions Policy can be found below.