Ashford Church of England Primary School

Ashford Church of England Primary School

01784 253310   •   Contact Us

Our Ethos

Our Ethos is based around our School Christian vision.

Our School Vision Statement

We are a caring Christian community where everyone adopts an “I can” attitude; everyone feels valued, safe and loved by God. We celebrate our God-given individuality, achievements and talents and we aspire, with God’s help, to become the best that we can be. We believe that each one of us has the ability to achieve our highest potential, living and learning in the fullness of God.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Philippians 4v13

As a voluntary aided Church of England School the principles of the Christian way of life are implicit in all we do. Our Christian vision and values underpin our ethos, everyone is valued and encouraged to achieve their full potential. Every member of our school community is encouraged to respect and value each other.

SIAMS Report

Our most recent SIAMS inspection (March 2019) recognised:
"Leaders set a strong example, ensuring that improvements made to the school emanate from their Christian vision so that all can flourish."
"Pupils learn through the curriculum and worship themes about respect for others and the importance of valuing each individual’s uniqueness."
The full report can be found on our Inspection Reports page.



"At the beginning of Collective Worship we light a candle which reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world and that we are talking to God." Year 5 pupil

We are a faith based but not faith biased learning community, where all children are valued regardless of their faith.

Ashford Church of England Primary School aspires to be sensitive to the needs of every child, reducing barriers to learning and making the curriculum accessible to every pupil. Our aim is to enrich the lives of all our pupils by pursing an inclusive policy towards our pupils which celebrates diversity, understands the importance of common identity and reflects our Christian values. We will strive to champion equality for people with disabilities and aim to make reasonable adjustments to physical and other arrangements of the school where considered necessary, taking into account the nature of any impairment, pupil and parent views and advice from teachers and other professionals. Prospective parents are asked to inform the school of any disabilities or additional needs their children may have when registering. We feel ongoing communication between parents and staff is vital to ensure that reasonable adjustments can be considered where necessary, whether impairments are apparent when the pupil enters the school or developed at a later stage.