Ashford Church of England Primary School

Ashford Church of England Primary School

01784 253310   •   Contact Us

Register of Interests

Governor Appointment and Term of Office Name of Organisation Nature of Business Nature of Interest Date Declared or form completed
Lesley Bailey Headteacher
01.09.23 - ex-officio
Ashford CE Primary Education Employee 27.09.2022
Matthew Bough Parent Governor
18.12.20 - 17.12.24
8th Ashford Scouts Community Charity Trustee 27.09.2022
Louise Bowman Local Authority Governor
23.07.23 - 22.07.27
No Interests declared No Interests declared None 27.09.2022
Donna Hester Foundation Governor
St Hilda’s
30.01.23 - 29.01.27
No Interests declared No Interests declared None 27.09.2022
Fr John Hillman Foundation Governor
St Matthews
14.12.23 - 13.12.27
St Mary the Virgin, Stanwell and St Matthew’s Ashford Church Curate 25.01.2024
Paul Hughes Foundation Governor
26.04.22 - 25.04.26
No Interests declared No Interests declared None 27.09.2022
Father Stuart King Ex-Officio
Parish Priest St Matthews
13.01.14 – ex-officio
1. St Matthew’s Church, Ashford
2. Ashford Relief Charities
3. Stanwell Fields CE School
4. 3rd Ashford Scouts
5. Rowland Hill Almshouse
1. Church
2. Charity
3. School (academy)
4. Community
1. Clerk in Holy Orders
2. Member
3. Governor
4. Member
Clare Marland Foundation Governor
St Hilda’s
30.11.20 – 29.11.24
No Interests declared No Interests declared None 27.09.2022
Chris Owen Parent Governor
04.05.22 - 03.05.26
6th Staines Scout Group Community Charity Trustee 27.09.2022
Sarah Pain Foundation Governor for St Matthews
27.04.23 - 26.04.27
St Matthew’s Church, Ashford Church Lay Minister 27.04.2023
Wendy Pyke Clerk to Governors
01.09.14 -
1. Ashford CE Primary
2. Strictly Education4S
3. Littleton CE Infant School
1. Education
2 & 3. Education / Governance Services
1 & 2. Employee
3. Clerk to Governors
Jennifer Welch Parent Governor
28.11.23 - 27.11.27
No Interests declared No Interests declared None 28.11.2023
Jenny Wilsher Foundation Governor
21.12.20 - 20.12.24
1. Calvary Design Ltd
2. Laleham C of E Primary School
1. Design, Web & IT Services
2. Education
1. Provide website hosting and support services to the school
2. Employee

Vacancies: 1x Deaneary Foundation Governor, 1x Staff Governor

Governors who have stepped down in the last 12 months

Governor Appointment and Term of Office Name of Organisation Nature of Business Nature of Interest Date Declared or form completed
Phil Wells Foundation Governor
20.11.20 - 31.08.24
No Interests declared No Interests declared None 27.09.2022
Marie Williams Staff Governor
01.09.20 - 31.08.24
Ashford CE Primary Education Employee 27.09.2022