Ashford Church of England Primary School

Ashford Church of England Primary School

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Maths at ACE

Maths is taught daily following the White Rose mastery schemes of learning. We have adapted the schemes in order to ensure all teachers have a solid understanding of children’s prior learning and how our curriculum progresses.

Our Vision

Our vision is for children to understand maths in relation to everyday life. To be fluent in key mathematical concepts, make connections between different areas of learning and articulate their understanding. We believe that all children can achieve and aim to provide all children with the chance to practise their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. We want all children to be confident in maths and approach challenge with a growth mindset.

Our Aims
  • Achieve a high standard in Maths developing their knowledge, skills and concepts.
  • Use and apply these skills with confidence and understanding in real life problems.
  • Develop an ability to think logically and to use mathematical language with confidence and understanding.
  • Have a positive attitude towards mathematics as an interesting and creative subject.

ACE approach to Maths Mastery


Our aim at ACE is to provide a balanced and progressive mastery curriculum which develops an understanding of maths in every day life. Children are encouraged to use mathematical vocabulary to talk about concepts and demonstrate their understanding. Lessons include opportunities to see different representations and the chance to embed concepts through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches. We want all children to be confident in maths and approach challenge with a growth mindset. We believe that all children can achieve and aim to provide all children with the chance to practise their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills.

Our Definition of Mastery

Mastery is when children have strong foundations that are built upon each year and ensures connections between different areas of maths and real-life situations. Children work on the same topic at broadly the same pace and quick intervention is provided for those who need it. Children are fluent in mathematical concepts but have not just memorised facts and methods but can explain these and apply them to unfamiliar situations.


At ACE we follow White Rose Maths which provides a progressive and consistent curriculum across the school. This is designed to develop children’s confidence in knowledge and understanding mathematical concepts through small steps. It provides an overview and sequence of blocks to be taught, as well as assessments for each block and term.

We have a calculation policy which provides a consistent approach to teaching the four operations through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. It provides the language and vocabulary that should be used and includes the National Curriculum requirements for each year group to ensure progression.


Lessons have a structure that is followed throughout the school:

  • Mental Starter - White Rose Flashback 4.
  • Discover - Question or problem (open ended).
  • Share - Children share or model their suggestions.
  • Think Together - I do, we do, you do.
  • Practice - Three-part task including fluency reasoning and problem solving.
  • Reflect/Learning Review.

In all lessons there is a real-life context and a challenge or extension task where appropriate. This provides the children with a purpose for their learning and stretches their thinking.

This approach is to ensure all children are provided with the same opportunities through out the school and ensures the children have access to a mastery curriculum.

At ACE we use the © symbol to represent challenge, this is used during lessons as well as in marking and feedback.


The lesson structure at ACE provides all children with the opportunity to practice their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills where the whole class move broadly at the same place. Each child works their way through a three-part task involving each of these. Differentiation is provided by:

  • The pace in which children move through these tasks.
  • Resources
  • Visuals
  • Support
  • Questioning
  • During lessons children being given more focus on fluency before moving on, or moving on sooner if they have grasped a concept.
Marking and Feedback

During lessons teachers ensure that verbal feedback is given and that children are targeted for support or further challenge. This ensures that quick intervention during lessons will help to keep the class, moving at broadly the same pace.

Children receive written feedback as well as © questions to extend their learning and provide them with challenge.

Children self-asses through either ticking a face that resembles how they feel about their learning and writing a reflective comment once a week.


The impact of our curriculum can be seen through:

  • Children being fluent in mathematical concepts.
  • Children being able to explain these concepts, their thinking and workings out.
  • Children have an ‘I can’ attitude and respond positively with a growth mindset to challenge.
  • Children can talk about the purpose of their learning with relation to real life contexts.
  • Children can use and explain different representations of the concrete, pictorial and abstract.
  • In books the objectives are clear and age appropriate in line with White Rose.
  • In books a range of activities are seen, with elements of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
  • Progress and attainment are good.

ACE BadgeMaths mastery leaflet (to follow)

National Curriculum

Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas. The programmes of study are, by necessity, organised into apparently distinct domains, but pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. They should also apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.

The National Curriculum for Mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language.
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and nonroutine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

ACE BadgeProgression in Calculation Policy

ACE BadgeYear 1 - Maths Overview

ACE BadgeYear 2 - Maths Overview

ACE BadgeYear 3 - Maths Overview

ACE BadgeYear 4 - Maths Overview

ACE BadgeYear 5 - Maths Overview

ACE BadgeYear 6 - Maths Overview

ACE BadgeProgression in Mathematical Vocabulary Policy

How to help your child at home

Fluency of Number and Place Value is key in accessing other areas of maths such as fractions and shape, space and measure. To support your child at home you can encourage the use of Times Tables Rockatars and Numbots. Each child has an individual login.

Times Tables Rockstars is aimed at junior children as it is focused on learning timetable facts and being able to recall them quickly.

Numbots is aimed at infant children as it is focused on learning place value and number facts.

Both of these allow the children a chance to see their progress and earn certificates for their achievements.


Children’s Guide Video


Parent/Carer Guide Video


ACE BadgeTTRockstars Parent/Carer Guide


Children’s Introduction Video


Parent/Carer Introduction Video


ACE BadgeNumbots Parent/Carer Guide