Ashford Church of England Primary School

Ashford Church of England Primary School

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Religious Education

At Ashford Church of England Primary School, we deliver a rich and varied curriculum.

The RE curriculum is based on the London Diocesan Syllabus and is determined by the Governing Body. We comply with the Church of England Statement of Entitlement for RE. Our RE curriculum is based upon enquiry with each unit and lesson having a focus question, encouraging children to share their own thoughts and ideas, no matter what those are, and to listen to the views of others. They are always times of lively, open discussions and debate.

We aim to ensure that pupils acquire a knowledge and understanding of both Christianity and other religious beliefs and practices through exploring other world faiths including: Islam, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism and Buddhism. We also consider the impact and connection that Christianity has on Britain’s cultural heritage and the lives of people worldwide. Children are encouraged to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences in light of their study.

By the end of Key Stage 2 we aim for all children to leave Ashford Church of School religiously literature and able to hold balanced and well-informed conversations about religion and world views.

Statement of Entitlement

Our most recent SIAMS inspection (March 2019) recorded that:

"The effectiveness of Religious Education is GOOD."

"Through RE ... pupils are developing their understanding of theological concepts at an age-appropriate level."

RE Scheme of Work Overview

(A PDF version can be downloaded by clicking on the image.)

Reflection Area

Bible wall display